One of the best things you can do to upgrade your life is to invest in yourself.
After setting goals, I think it’s the biggest thing you can do to improve yourself and your life.
Consistently investing in yourself can improve your chances of having an even better future.
I know that when you hear the term “invest in yourself” you probably think of spending money, right?
Well, that’s one way to do it – and it’s good to spend money on yourself sometimes.
But there are also tons of totally free ways to invest in yourself and upgrade your life!
That’s what I wanted to share with you today – 9 free ways to invest in yourself and upgrade your life!
1- Develop your skills (or learn new ones).
One great way to upgrade your life is by developing your skills – or learning new ones. Developing your skills or learning new ones doesn’t mean you need to go to college or even pay for a course. There are tons of free courses out there on just about any topic you can think of. YouTube has tons of educational videos, there are lots of webinars out there, and with sites like Coursera, the possibilities can be endless. And your time is the only thing that you need to invest to do this!
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2- Create an exercise routine you enjoy.
Investing in your health is super important and we all know it! But so many of us don’t exercise as much as we should. I know that it’s way harder to motivate myself to exercise when I don’t enjoy what I’m doing. That’s why it’s so important to figure out which exercises you enjoy. So technically there’s a chance that this might not be free for you, but there are definitely ways to make it free if you want it to be. There are tons of at-home workouts available on the internet – plus things like running, swimming, and bicycling are free. Check out Pinterest, YouTube, and Google and you’re sure to find something that you enjoy, from yoga to dance to body weight workouts!
3- Meditate.
Meditation is a great way to invest in your mind, body, and soul. It can help you manage your mental health, your emotions, your stress levels, and your physical health. I know that it might not sound like a lot of fun but investing your time into developing a daily meditation habit will definitely be worth it! If you don’t know where to start with meditation, check out this complete beginner’s guide to meditation to find out all of the benefits and technicalities!
4- Volunteer or give back in some way.
Volunteering is another thing that can improve your life, all for the cost of your time. Volunteering can give you a great sense of purpose in your life, more than most jobs could. It can help you connect with others and build meaningful relationships. It can also help you feel more grateful, happier, and less stressed. I cannot stress enough how much helping others can help you too!
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5- Read, read, read.
It’s no secret that I’m a huge bookworm, so maybe I’m a little biased but I think that reading is one of the best habits you can have. It can fuel your creativity, relieve stress, and literally make you smarter. And for my fellow writers out there, it improves your writing skills. There are tons of great non-fiction books out there to help you learn new things or improve yourself. And there are tons of great fiction books to help you relax and feed your creativity. If you read books from your local library, it’s totally free. If you ever need good book suggestions, just check out this blog’s “books” category and/or add me on Goodreads! (:
6- Organize and declutter.
Clutter does nothing except weigh down our mood and our mental state. I can’t even focus when I’m in a room with tons of clutter and I regularly go through my home to declutter it. It can be overwhelming! Decluttering and simplifying your home may end up being a big-time investment, but it will be worth it. Not only will it not cost you a dime, but you can actually make money if you sell some of the things you’re getting rid of!
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7- Practice self-care.
One of the best investments you can make in yourself is practicing self-care. Taking care of your mind, body, and soul is so important. It can help give you more energy, compassion, happiness, strength, better mental health, and improved creativity. This means listening to yourself and giving yourself what you need. Are you feeling overwhelmed? Find time to relax. Are you feeling dehydrated? Track your water intake. Are you feeling sluggish? Make sure you’re eating right and getting enough sleep. Take care of yourself properly!
8- Practice gratitude.
I know people hate to hear it, but happiness is a choice. Well, 90% choice at least. It reminds me of Hopsin’s lyrics, “Life is naturally hell, you gotta work to put a smile on.” I know that things can be incredibly hard and as someone who’s prone to depression and anxiety, I know it can be hard to even find something to be grateful for, but there’s always something. Practicing gratitude is one of the best things you can do for your mental health and happiness! It has literally changed my life. And it’s totally free, you just have to invest in a few minutes! You can find out how I practice gratitude (and get a freebie) right here.
9- Explore your creative side.
I’m a highly sensitive person, so exploring my creative side is so important to me. But I feel like it’s something everyone should do because it’s a fun way to upgrade your life! It’s the best way to express yourself, let out stress and negativity, and open your mind up to new ideas. And before you argue with me, everyone has a creative side, but some people just haven’t unleashed it! If you don’t know where to start, try different things. Try painting, try drawing, try photography, try writing, try crochet, or make crafts. It’s a fun way to invest in yourself. Here’s a comprehensive list of 30 creative hobby ideas and how to get started with each of them! (:
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How do you invest in yourself without spending a dime? Let’s chat in the comments!
Renee says
I would love to be able to read all the time! The others sound good too.
Amber Myers says
I am so with you on the reading! I love to read and do it daily. It helps!
Heather D says
Exercise helps so much not only physically but mentally too! Great ideas 🙂
Tara Pittman says
Exercise and decluttering are the ones that I like best. My daily exercise makes me feel so good and a clean house helps me to relax.
Marysa says
I feel so distracted in everyday life. These all sound like great things to work into a routine. I have been trying to get back into reading.
Christy Garrett says
These are excellent tips and suggestions. I plan on riding my exercise bike as soon as I figure out if the power cord still works.
LisaLisa says
It’s always great to see these tips and suggestions get shared. Investing in yourself, no matter how small, is important.
Lavanda Michelle says
Taking care of ourselves and investing in personal growth is so important, and your insights and suggestions were really practical and accessible. It’s great to know that there are free ways to invest in ourselves without breaking the bank. Thanks for the inspiration to prioritize self-care and self-improvement! 💪💆♀️🌟
Richelle Milar says
I absolutely agree about reading and improving your skills. It does really help a lot!
Alita Pacio says
Reading is one of the easiest way to invest in ourselves. So many free books in the library and it gives us so much knowledge and lessons.
Beautiful Touches says
This is a solid list in investing in yourself! To add to developing your skills/learning something new, local libraries also have a lot of free resources you can utilize if you have a library card!!
Catalina says
This is a plan! I need to right down and do all these steps. I am sure I will feel better!
Gervin Khan says
I totally love this post, it will give any individual the best version of his/herself in the long run! Thanks for sharing this post!
Eileen M Loya says
Exploring my creative side is what I do. I am learning the art of bonsai. Growing bonsai trees is a very slow process and you need a lot of patience to create a beautiful miniature tree. I would also want some free time to read more books.
Everything Enchanting says
Reading is my least favourite thing! However, I love to do meditation, yoga every day and declutter my home every month. Great tips 🙂
Lisa says
Yes yes, self care is soooo important! Even if someone can do one of these things a day, that’s great!
Monika Grover says
Thank you for sharing these helpful tips on investing in oneself without breaking the bank! It’s easy to overlook the importance of self-care and personal growth in our busy lives, but taking small steps to prioritize ourselves can have a big impact on our overall well-being and success. As the saying goes, “the best investment you can make is in yourself,” and your blog post offers great ideas for doing just that.